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File 150448718240.png - (10.51KB , 529x533 , testcat.png )
42 No. 42 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Test cat says hi!
>> No. 43
File 150467756073.png - (89.11KB , 800x600 , Answer Kat.png )
Howdy Back Atcha!
>> No. 44
File 15192995296.png - (38.51KB , 400x400 , 35B.png )
It's been ages, have an old Bim from 2016

File 150370068892.jpg - (4.79KB , 228x228 , 5141661.jpg )
41 No. 41 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Testing the posting capability

File 149526430476.jpg - (21.39KB , 500x350 , c7b28449865ad6236c9b390c8beeaf02.jpg )
40 No. 40 hide watch quickreply [Reply]

File 147379983925.png - (301.45KB , 595x595 , gorban_9.png )
38 No. 38 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
le test
>> No. 39
File 147379991195.png - (61.71KB , 400x400 , 03shesokay.png )

File 143715245178.png - (129.31KB , 650x650 , how do draw.png )
33 No. 33 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Test to see if I can escape the blankness of a floating void
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 36
Not really doing anything, just wanted to post something and since it's test, I'll see if I can't make some of these working
>> No. 37
File 144801222276.png - (36.47KB , 400x400 , 03lazy.png )
[color=red]I forgot the pic, and now doing this for the second time, as my browser and computer are being bastards.[/color]
I'm senile distracted

File 143519089986.png - (96.48KB , 919x962 , happicat.png )
32 No. 32 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
To see how an RSS reader will react to a new post. Pic unrelated.
>> No. 35
File 144651641083.png - (115.53KB , 564x737 , Capture.png )
Pic is so related.

File 143303761513.jpg - (16.31KB , 236x224 , 1c9764935634bc4d95cc856d93caad03.jpg )
31 No. 31 hide watch quickreply [Reply]

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